bibliometrix - Comprehensive Science Mapping Analysis
Tool for quantitative research in scientometrics and bibliometrics. It implements the comprehensive workflow for science mapping analysis proposed in Aria M. and Cuccurullo C. (2017) <doi:10.1016/j.joi.2017.08.007>. 'bibliometrix' provides various routines for importing bibliographic data from 'SCOPUS', 'Clarivate Analytics Web of Science' (<https://www.webofknowledge.com/>), 'Digital Science Dimensions' (<https://www.dimensions.ai/>), 'OpenAlex' (<https://openalex.org/>), 'Cochrane Library' (<https://www.cochranelibrary.com/>), 'Lens' (<https://lens.org>), and 'PubMed' (<https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/>) databases, performing bibliometric analysis and building networks for co-citation, coupling, scientific collaboration and co-word analysis.
Last updated 10 days ago
12.54 score 545 stars 2 dependents 518 scripts 29k downloads
openalexR - Getting Bibliographic Records from 'OpenAlex' Database Using 'DSL' API
A set of tools to extract bibliographic content from 'OpenAlex' database using API <https://docs.openalex.org>.
Last updated 5 days ago
10.34 score 110 stars 5 dependents 194 scripts 9.8k downloadspubmedR - Gathering Metadata About Publications, Grants, Clinical Trials from 'PubMed' Database
A set of tools to extract bibliographic content from 'PubMed' database using 'NCBI' REST API <https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/home/develop/api/>.
Last updated 1 years ago
7.84 score 41 stars 3 dependents 39 scripts 9.5k downloadsdimensionsR - Gathering Bibliographic Records from 'Digital Science Dimensions' Using 'DSL' API
A set of tools to extract bibliographic content from 'Digital Science Dimensions' using 'DSL' API <https://www.dimensions.ai/dimensions-apis/>.
Last updated 1 years ago
7.23 score 42 stars 3 dependents 7 scripts 8.9k downloadstall - Text Analysis for All
An R 'shiny' app designed for diverse text analysis tasks, offering a wide range of methodologies tailored to Natural Language Processing (NLP) needs. It is a versatile, general-purpose tool for analyzing textual data. 'tall' features a comprehensive workflow, including data cleaning, preprocessing, statistical analysis, and visualization, all integrated for effective text analysis.
Last updated 10 days ago
5.15 score 15 stars 240 downloads