1. bibliometrix::bibtag
    Tag list and bibtex fields.
  2. bibliometrix::countries
    Index of Countries.
  3. bibliometrix::customTheme
    Custom Theme variables for Biblioshiny.
  4. bibliometrix::logo
    Bibliometrix logo.
  5. bibliometrix::stopwords
    List of English stopwords.
  6. openalexR::concept_abbrev
    Concepts and abbreviations.
  7. openalexR::countrycode
    Index of Countries and their alpha-2 and aplha-3 codes.
  8. openalexR::oa2df_coverage
    Coverage of OpenAlex entity fields after converting to data frame.
  9. tall::mobydick
    Lemmatized Text of Moby-Dick (Chapters 1-10)